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We announced a 10 months Internship Programme for Final Year Students on November 7, 2018 on our official Facebook page. We received tremendous response from students and teachers of universities, we want to thank all of them.

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Teachers from six universities have submitted recommendations of multiple teams. Number of applications have exceeded our expectations. Therefore we’ve to carry out an open and fair evaluation processes, so that the rightly deserving team should get the opportunity.

Our evaluation processes is comprised of following steps:


Step-01: Screening

Professionals will evaluate the project proposals based on following attributes:

  • Usability for targeted audience
  • Social Impact of project
  • Realisticity of scope per given time
  • Chances to carry forward the project to production

Qualifying teams will get an invitation for written test by December 03, 2018.

Step-02: Written Test

A written test will be conducted tentatively on Saturday December 08, 2018. It will be intended to evaluate technical concepts and problem solving skills of participants. This test may include questions related to:

  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Databases
  • Data Structures & Algorithm
  • General Programming Challenges

Step-03: Interviews

Candidates who will pass the written test will qualify for an interview. The primary purpose of this activity is to evaluate the attitude of team members. It will also include the discussion on their project and goals.

Step-04: Agreement

This is the final step of this process. An agreement will take place among supervisor (faculty member/representative of university), students (project team members) and Vizrex.

All applicants are advised to keep an eye on their inbox and our Facebook Page for latest updates!

Wishing all the best to all participants!

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The date of written test proposed above was tentative. Latest date of test has been shared with qualified teams via email.


By vizrex

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